So… here’s what happens in my house when Momma starts a new job: The awesome hobby she started not long before THAT happened gets lost and forgotten. For about 9 months, apparently. I needed two nudges to get back on…

So… here’s what happens in my house when Momma starts a new job: The awesome hobby she started not long before THAT happened gets lost and forgotten. For about 9 months, apparently. I needed two nudges to get back on…
As tiny humans are apt to do, little G decided to watch Frozen for the 847th time the other day. Perhaps because we finally have some gorgeous summer weather here in Minnesota, he needed a reminder of ice covered fjords….
Let me just start with: Whole 30. To quote the lovely and talented J.K. Rowling, “If you have to ask, you’ll never know.” If you’ve never had cause to join the Whole 30 train, it is probably because, unlike me,…
We had some classic spring Minnesota weather here this past weekend. By that, I mean it was 75 and gorgeous on Saturday, and then the wind picked up Sunday and the temp dropped 30 degrees. Why I am complaining, I…
This kid. My ham, my goof, and my helper. He loves to “work” with Mom. Since I’m only occasionally popular with the two teenager-type humans that live here, I’ll totally take it. His legos happen to be the backdrop of…
I was really close to my mom’s mom growing up. The Bear Household (yep, their real last name) made for great visits for a quartet of granddaughters. And in my completely biased opinion, our Nana Bear was funny and fun, and…
We just (and I do mean just) got back from our Spring Break trip this year. On the docket for this trip: State #10 for the boys. Arizona. I love the list of where we’ve been, but when I think…
We’ve been renting houses on vacation for several years now. Once we had little G, it just started making more sense for us. With a family of five, we now need to rent 2 hotel rooms (most hotels require it,…
We have a bit of a carb addiction in our house. I know. Thus far on this blog I’ve copped to a carb addiction, a dessert problem, a secret love of kielbasa, a general commitment to eat salted caramel off…
Did anyone else take full advantage of National Pancake Day yesterday? No? Just us? I have no idea who is responsible for determining such food holidays – but I can totally get on board with that one. As can my…