Did my title catch your attention? I know what you’re thinking – potato chip cookies?? Absa-stinkin-lutely. If you’ve perused this site at all, you have probably already realized that I have a serious dessert problem. More specifically, I have a…

Did my title catch your attention? I know what you’re thinking – potato chip cookies?? Absa-stinkin-lutely. If you’ve perused this site at all, you have probably already realized that I have a serious dessert problem. More specifically, I have a…
Birthday gifts can sometimes be a tricky thing. We have, because of this, settled on themes in our house. You know – becoming pseudo-famous for a particular style of gift that you give? For example, my husband went through a…
I had my two littles this past weekend. Just Momma and the boys. Make no mistake, my 11-year-old sincerely wishes I would stop referring to him as one of “the littles”. Which is probably fair, since he is nearly my height….
Little known fact about me: late college, early adult existence, I swore off of red meat for about 5 years. I basically ate vegetables en masse, with some occasional fish/seafood thrown in for good measure. It was glorious. I had…
I must admit that when I found the original version of this recipe, I thought – Really? Smoked Sausage Stir-fry, huh? I mean, it has things my kids would like. Maybe it’s one of those dishes that you coax them…
My husband loves Mexican food. Loves. As in, when you see those memes that say “I love you more than cake”… This is his cake. Though I’m sure if I look hard enough, someone has created one that says “I…