As tiny humans are apt to do, little G decided to watch Frozen for the 847th time the other day. Perhaps because we finally have some gorgeous summer weather here in Minnesota, he needed a reminder of ice covered fjords….

Chock Full of Chocolate Cookies
Let me just start with: Whole 30. To quote the lovely and talented J.K. Rowling, “If you have to ask, you’ll never know.” If you’ve never had cause to join the Whole 30 train, it is probably because, unlike me,…

Halfway Cashew Butterscotch Bars
We had some classic spring Minnesota weather here this past weekend. By that, I mean it was 75 and gorgeous on Saturday, and then the wind picked up Sunday and the temp dropped 30 degrees. Why I am complaining, I…

Potato Chip Cookies
Did my title catch your attention? I know what you’re thinking – potato chip cookies?? Absa-stinkin-lutely. If you’ve perused this site at all, you have probably already realized that I have a serious dessert problem. More specifically, I have a…